Personal details


Name:                            KUCZYŃSKI BOGDAN

Date of birth :                02.11.1955     

Nationality:                   Polish

Gender:                         Male

Adress:                          Poland

Marital status:               Married ( 4 children)




1985                                                1985                                                Certificate of Qualified Farmer issued by Mistry of Agliculture in Poland

1985                                                1985                                                Farmer work-tractor driving, all farm duties


1970-2004                            1970-2004                            Minner work as an aditional income in Polish Mining Center


Holidays 2004          working in London with decorating and repairing houses  



Aditional skills


Clean driving licence,tractor driving licence, police check, English- litlle


Personal adventges


Very flexible, easy-going, reliable,non-smoking, hard-working, honest


In case of any questions concerning my employment please contact Mrs. Brożyna so she could provide reqired documents and police check – she is an English translator living in Poland ; mail to:







I hereby agree for using the personal data included in my job application as required by the recruiting process (according to the Polish law of August 29, 1997 on the protection of personal data Dz. Ust. Nr 133 poz. 833).